Z in the Middle is appreciative of any donation you have to offer. It's as simple as a phone call to support your local arts community and other local charity donations. All donations to Z will be used in the productions then doanted to a local charity. Thank you for your help and interest.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Recent Donations

Let's take some time to thank all of those wonderful people ready and willing to support our local community. I am amazed by the generosity and giving nature of our Lubbockites.

Michael Boyter was kind enough to donate an organ, a television, a laser printer, and many other useful items. Some items were not needed and were donated to Good Will.

Lorna Smith and her family donated a whole garage full of things, including two very nice swivel chairs, a dining table, and many working kitchen appliances. She and her family donated so many things that they loaded up their van along with the bed of our pick up and followed us to the storage house.

Elisa Ellis was willing to donate a refrigerator and a motorcycle, however we could not find the house in Smyer, a town I've only looked at from the highway. Unfortunately the donation did not work out, but her intentions were good so, I thank her again for trying to help.